Top 5 Benefits of an Onboarding Application  

Hiring a new employee is an important decision for businesses. An onboarding solution can automate hiring a new employee and ensure you’re delivering the best recruitment process.

An onboarding application is the best way to streamline the onboarding process and ensure that you take care of the formalities. So, you can focus on making your new employee’s first few days more productive and have your new hires ready for work on day one. ATS Onboarding will help you to save time and reduce errors in your business.

Let’s explore the top 5 Benefits of having an onboarding application.

1. Increases Employee Engagement

An onboarding application increases employee engagement by helping new employees familiarise themselves with business culture and procedures before their first day. This can help businesses succeed and retain new hires by making them feel like a team member. Onboarding smooths the transition from candidate to employee, increasing productivity early and the likelihood new hires will stay longer.

2. Saves Time and Resources

Generally, the first few days after a new hire joins the business is spent inducting them into your business. This includes reading company policies and procedures, collecting personal details, and collecting information required for payroll.

An employee onboarding app can help you deliver and collect all this essential information before your employee’s first day. So, your new employee is ready to get started on day one of starting work, saving a lot of time and resources. Set candidates up for success before their first day with a strong onboarding application.

3. Reduces Errors

An onboarding application can help you automate time-consuming processes and ensure you are collecting the correct details of your new hires. An onboarding application will digitally collect and keep records of employees’ details, licenses, certifications, bank account details, TFN details and Superfund details.

When you hire a new employee, populate the required profile information into ATS Onboarding and sync it to your payroll system. Ensure you have the correct employee data to use when processing payroll.

Our ATS Onboarding digitally validates information with the ATO. Employee bank account and tax file details are validated, ensuring you have the correct data for your new employees.

4. Ensures Compliance

An employee onboarding system will help ensure tasks get done and don’t fall through the cracks. Create accountability for task completion by accessing the status of your employee’s onboarding journey. From adding new employees to the system to sending out invitations to their email addresses, you will be able to manage your entire team’s onboarding processes from one place.

Our automatic validation Bank account, TFN and super fund validation will ensure compliance with payroll, STP2, Super Stapling and the ATO. Easily collect superannuation details with fund validation and find employees lost super. Stay up to date with compliance changes such as STP 2 and Your Future, Your Super which has increased the benefits of getting your employees to set up their Bank, Tax, and Super details online.

5. Streamlines Payroll

Streamlining the data collected is an important feature that will ensure you have the correct employee data to use when processing employee payroll.

ATS Onboarding integrates directly with popular payroll applications and will automatically sync payroll profile information over to your payroll system.

Integrate ATS Onboarding with Xero, MYOB, HR3, MicrOpay or Unipay’s payroll systems to provide a seamless way to manage your workforce. We also offer direct integration with our range of time and attendance software solutions.

Why Choose ATS Onboarding?

“New employees are more productive in their first few weeks of work when digital onboarding is used in the hiring stage”. (SHRM Org).

ATS Onboarding application is a free employee onboarding software solution for small to medium businesses. Our onboarding application has been designed to fit your needs today and support your growth in the future. Improve productivity, employee engagement, and retention, which impact your ROI.

ATS Onboarding is designed to automate your new employee onboarding process. Save time and minimise non-compliance risk across new employees, payroll and HR teams, and the ATO and banking systems.

You and the new employee can go through the onboarding process via the ATS Onboarding web-based application from the comfort of a desktop PC, laptop or mobile device. Invite new hires to self-onboard, so they are ready for their first day. On acceptance of the job offer letter, your new employee is automatically sent the link start onboarding.

Digitally collect and validate the essential employee information, including personal details, next of kin, bank account and BSB details, and TFN. Easily collect superannuation details with fund validation and find employees lost super functionality.

ATS Onboarding will help you save time and reduce errors in your business. Simplify your employee onboarding process with a few clicks.

Sign up and get started today, or enquire today for more information.